mean sounds's profile

xli. Voodoo Labs Sparkle Drive w/ EHX Muff Fuzz

This is the Neko Drive, built for a fellow who requested a Voodoo Labs Sparkle Drive clone with an extra gain stage. The gain stage I suggested was that of the Muff Fuzz, a totally old school guitar accessory that was not actually a pedal in it's original form - rather a weird thingy with a switch that hung out of your amp's input like a big old cigarette.

Don't think that Muff knob doesn't light up when the Muff is engaged, because it totally does.
I don't usually post progress shots, but perhaps I'll start. You'll see the unwired circuit board and the enclosure before everything gets jammed in there..
I like to write things down inside the box as I wire everything up... it helps me remember what I'm doing without having to flip the thing over a million times to see which pot is which, etc.
xli. Voodoo Labs Sparkle Drive w/ EHX Muff Fuzz

xli. Voodoo Labs Sparkle Drive w/ EHX Muff Fuzz

a clone of a tubescreamer variant with added muffy fuzzy gain stage
